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October 10, 2008



Brilliant advent calender. Love each and everyone of your days.

Anne Gaal

Hi, Deborah! Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog today! You rock!

And, just for the record, my DH and I are thinking of buying stocks, not selling them. Everything's on sale!!!



I knew you were a smart cookie!!!


These are great!

As for the background, this comes to my mind- though it may not turn out as I am envisioning... Using one of those styrofoam 'trees', cover it with pretty paper or ribbon, and stick floral pins and have each little tags hang off?

Kinda like how Lisa Spangler on the blue tree in the center http://heroarts.com/blogs/club/2008/09/29/motivation-monday-deck-the-halls/ but big enough to accomodate all the tags.

Get what I'm saying or did I totally just ramble on an on and confuse you even more?


Congratulations !! well deserved !
I love the tags ..just curious how you are going to turn it into a advent calendar.

I thougt of somethig that might be fun for you and for your daughter as well.

Get a bulletin board, paint it in a Holiday color...add the tags with pins ...but underneath the tags you add a daily note ...with a daily treasure hunt to find little tidbits hidden in and around the house.... different every year and something to keep the braincells working every day .

Don't forget a secret note with the appropriate locations of all the hidden items..just incase :)

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