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October 9, 2008



Yeah! Totally deserved... I loved the set and was truly amazed that you could make 25 such beautiful creations! Can't wait to see all of them tomorrow!

Lisa C

Congratulations, Deb! Truly well-deserved. Your calendar was gorgeous!

Anne Gaal

Congratulations! And, hey, a photographer's gotta do what a photographer's gotta do! Go for it!


Congralations on your big win- they are absolutely FABULOUS!!

Sarah M

Congrats again! I couldn't believe it when you said this was your first 1st place win! So well deserved!


Congratulations, Deborah! Absolutely loved your advent calendar & it will be so fun for Gigi this Christmas. I got a kick out of your photography experience! I had sort of the same experience at my friend's wedding today...I made a basket full of goodies for her (notecards, candle, etc....and out of HA stamps, or course!) and wanted to take a picture of it before we went into the wedding. I had the basket on the ground, in the car, everywhere. Others were passing by as I kept moving the basket & aiming my camera. Ended up never getting a good picture of it! Buggers! At least I provided good entertainment for the onlookers! :)

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