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October 15, 2008


Judy Jung

Wunnerful, wunnerful! Thank you boys! What a trip down memory lane. I loved the pinafore with the butterfly on the bib! Those were the days!! The Lawrence Welk Show was part of my growing up, too. My parents would not have missed it. That, and "Your Hit Parade". Thanks for the fun this morning!


Well... I don't remember watching it, except on the Educational channels as re-runs.. But I knew who you were talking about. I think the appreciation was probably the time spent with your grandma. :)

elana k

I'm afraid that I am much too young to remember that, but you never cease to make me laugh, because I can relate in far too many other ways! :)

Wow! I remember sitting around the t.v. on Saturday nights, popcorn bowl in hand & sipping on orange juice mixed with 7-up (we didn't get to drink soda unless it was mixed with something nutritious...who does that?!?!). Lawrence Welk was a family favorite & my sisters & I would dance to the tunes that would stream out of the speakers...man!...brings back some good memories! My favorite part (besides the music) was the beautiful attire on the ladies...the colors were so pretty!

Linda Beeson

Now that post was a neat walk down memory lane! My mom loved Lawrence Welk and we were in love with the Lenon sisters. We would watch this on Saturday night. We would get a bath and then get our hair combed and put in curlers for Sunday and LW was part of the scene. LOVE the nostalgia associated with this.

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