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November 18, 2008



rotfl... I enjoyed the pictures you showed. I haven't had anything that good show up. Mostly children's toy catalogues and the kids like to look at those. When I get something good, I will send it along.

By the way... When are you going to share some work you have done as part of your new DT endeavours?

Judy Jung

If you hadn't posted the photos, I would not have believed it This is one reason why our family made the decision about ten years ago to stop exchaning gifts (except the grandchildren). It always seemed to me we were being made fools of by retailers who depended on our Christmas shopping to ensure their profits. Thanks for a hearty laugh. It is hard to believe anyone would buy these items!!


LOL- This is hilarious. Reading this reminded me of this catalog that turns up in my mailbox every now and then and I SWEAR I have never ordered anything to result in me getting the catalog!- Harriet Carter- went on their website and saw a few that you listed, and this one: http://www.harrietcarter.com/resources/harrietCarter/images/products/processed/7556.zoom.a.jpg "Toothpick Holder Man"!

donna m.

Wow, you got some real winners there! I get LLBean and Williams Sonoma. I think my mom used to get Spencer Gifts and we would pore through and just laugh at all the atrocious "gifts"! Can't wait to see who has the most gawd-awful gift! Great contest!


LOL...that is all I am doing right now! My favorite is the butt station...I have forwarded it to my friend to see if she would like one for her work desk. She will love it...not! Thanks for the laugh!!!!

Cheryl Valadez

Deborah - you may not choose to to print this and gosh knows, I wouldn't blame you, but I just about fell out of my chair when I happened upon this site devoted to a dynamic duo whom we are all very familiar. Check out this commodious pair at this web site http://shop.kissochbajs.com/default.asp?lang=uk1 .

elana k

I get a catalog from the Paper Source, which has pretty stationery and unique, tasteful gifts, usually. However, today on their website, I found this: http://www.paper-source.com/cgi-bin/paper/item/Pooping-Polar-Bear/3302.040/439377.html I am not quite sure why anyone would want it, but it can be yours for only $6.95!


We got this catalogue through the post and I just "loved" these... I was wondering who on earth actually buys this stuff when my fiance told me one of his colleagues has them!!! Amazing.

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