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November 21, 2008



Woohoo! Something for me to do other than work (Shhh!...) But I just had to find a few things to top the "Toothpick Holder Man"

Here goes:
Fanny Bank, not sure which is more disturbing, that fact that you putting money into a behind, or that it "passes gas" when you do! http://www.harrietcarter.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/product.detail/_/Fanny-Bank/productID/3d738230-db02-402a-8ab0-9f0875cbd05a/categoryID/8a85e460-958b-4a41-9f37-5f460aa0092d/

Beef Bandaid:

And have you seen this? Not exactly something to buy, but still disturbing to me: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_-wj6ppCYM8

I could really keep going.. but I'll give the others a chance too ;)

Andi Sexton (rrlscrapgal)

I have a submission!
Meatball Bubble Gum..
here is the link:

The Catalog is:
Archie McPhee Toys, Gifts and Novelties. And boy, do they have all sorts of funky stuff...

My name: Andi Sexton!

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