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December 1, 2008



Too cute! I love when they mis-hear things... That made my day!

Judy Jung

Deborah, I share your feelings regarding the horrors in the news. What has upset me even more than the massacre in India is the story of the Wal Mart Security Guard being trampled to death by a crowd of bargain hunters! And their total lack of interest in what had happened to the poor man! This is why I am a conscientious objector to the Christmas present thing! I used to be a CNN junkie, watching the news all lthe time. (In the good ol days it was to watch the Stock Market numbers!) I finally went cold turkey and no longer have a news station on at all. I am less anxious and more able to enjoy my little comfy world. Thanks for the darling Gigi story. Enjoy her to pieces; she will be grown before you know it!!

Andi Sexton (rrlscrapgal)

OH my.. your dd has been hangin' with my sailor friends again!!! LOL!

hang in there...

donna mikasa

Oh, that Gigi is a hoot! Well, if that's what she heard, then let her rip! I'm sure no one will notice and if they do, it'll be a little treat, don't you think? I mean, she's only six years old!! Reading that truly made my day and I swear this darn headache is slipping away......

donna mikasa

p.s. Am I "Kapaa, Hawaii"?? That's funny because Kapaa is exactly where we were on Kauai this past Thanksgiving....interesting!

Kelly Booth

Deborah...that is so sweet...Love what comes out of a childs mouth...(Modst of the time that is...)
Thank you for Sharing...it made my day!

I agree...I hate watching the news anymore...so many awful things!

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