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January 6, 2009


Andi Sexton (rrlscrapgal)

Uh, define the first quarter of 2008! I have a shopping cart of goodies waiting for me to hit 'buy'. In the card are one of those 6x6 packs waiting for me.. along with stamps, and some cute sticky stuff...
I would be glad to give up brads...and bottlecaps...

Paua (Pajalu)

Hi Deb,

Count me in. I am drowning in papers at the moment & some of my emblishiments are feeling extremely negleted, not to mention all of the stickers that have been abandonded since I have started stamping. But I am planning on getting some of the new HA stamps, can't give them up :-)

Simon Says Stamp

Always making me smile Girl, ALWAYS!

Cheryl Valadez

Deborah - that is a fair and noble request and I would be honored to participate. Now, let's see, I can't give up paper, stamps, or embellishments (especially bling-y embellies)...ummm, what else? Oh, and I must have everything made by HA, or Tim Holtz, and anything sold or published by Stampington, or anything sold in one of my local stamp stores. What can I give up...ummm...let me think...there must be something I can live without...ummmm ....(thinking so hard I am going to bust a blood vessel)...ummm...I know! I will give up broken shards of glass, razor blades, and ummm....silly putty?! Yes, that's it...I won't purchase or use any of those items on my cards for the first quarter of 2009. :)

Judy Jung

Maybe I could give up all purchases related to stamping for one week in February; I know, the week we will be gone to Ireland!! Then, when we get back, there will be no money left to purchase ANYTHING for awhile! Ahhhhhh, I feel so noble! (How could you even suggest cutting back on purchasing when the new HA stamps are just out!!??) Cruel! Maybe for Lent......

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