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January 14, 2009


Judy Jung

Deborah, thanks for including me in the fine company of Wednesday Wonders!! Thank you for the lovely things you said about me! I have to ask: Did you really make "the recipe" and try it?? And thank you for all the fun you bring to all of us! Love, Judy


I'm so glad I saw this post today! Thanks, again, Gigi, for doing the interviews. They're always fun to read, and I'm sure God will continue to use Judy to bless others through her encouraging cards & prayers!

So I must ask -- since I'm always looking for good recipes to feed the young family (got many cooking years ahead of me!), any chance of sharing that great family-guarded recipe? :P

thanks again for the smile! -Patty


Loved this week's interview. So glad you are having fun doing this because it brings lots of fun into my life by reading your articles.

I think we all wish we could touch our stamps and crafts at least onece a day. Jealous of you, Judy:) Thank you for sharing.

donna mikasa

Great interview with one of my favorite stampers! I love Judy's wit and candor and her comments are always so positive...She can whip up a card so quickly and does it so effortlessly! Best thing is, she's only 100 miles away from my daughter and I'm hoping we can meet if and when we visit Alabama! Hugs to you, Judy! And you, Deborah, for spotlighting this wonderful woman...


Great interview. Glad to know Judy better. Her work is always wonderful! I also am appreciative of Judy's kind words.

Kelly Booth

YEA Judy!! Congrats on being the Wed. Wonder....
Loved getting to know her a little better by the Article....
Thanks Deborah for showcasing her......

Tami Hartley

Encouraging, talented, a true gem...that's Judy! Thanks for featuring her Deborah! :)


Love getting to know fellow stampers a little better!

Thanks for putting together WW's!

sideoats + scribbles

Hi Judy! So nice to get to know you better -- I love your challenge cards, and now that I know what all went into them, I love them even more! You are truly talented!

Thanks for making her the Wednesday Wonder, Deborah! And thanks for posting that forggy box too -- that is one of my faves!!!

HUGS and smiles! :)


Thank you everyone for the uplifing and kind comments!! I love Deborah's blog and it was such fun to participate. I look forward to reading about REAL artists in the WW!! Deborah, thank you for this moment of "fame". Hugs. Judy

Deborah Nolan

Judy! Judy! Judy!

What are we gonna do with you?! You ARE an artist. I feel a blog post coming on....



I LOVED your comment about having a friend to stamp with! I still hope that there is some way that we will all meet one of these days!!!

Wonderful interview, Deb! It was so good to get to know a little more about Judy.

Ruth H

Thanks for the wonderful interview about Judy, Deborah!! I had the impression that Judy is a really special person and you've convinced me.:-)


What a wonderful interview...how cool it is to get to know our Hero Arts blog frinds better! Thanks for sharing!
:) judy1223

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