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April 10, 2009


Diana Foster

Oooh la la. Way to go Deborah!


Great Video Deborah!

Anne Gaal

Hi, Deborah! Terrific video! Eclipse tape is going on my wishlist! :-)

Hannah Nicole F

Neat Video! I dont have any die cutting machines though : (


What a treat to hear your voice! Although that Brazillian music was pretty cool. Great video. Eclipse tape is new to me, but looks like a must have. Any online source? Congratulations on your new video career! Judy

elana k

Another excellent video and great to hear your voice (congested and all). I know how much work it takes to get these type of things done, so kudos to you!!

donna mikasa

Awesome, video! So professional....love your voice! You're such a trooper for doing this WITH congestion!! Thank you!!!


I like it! Thanks so much for going to all of the trouble, but it was fabulous.


Fabulous video, Deborah! Very clear and clever. Thanks for sharing!


Great video and card! I am happy you are
adding videos to your blog--thanks for the


Enjoy you video a lot! Thanks for sharing!

Dawn T

Great video Deborah. You make it look so easy. Keep up the great work.


Great video, Deborah! TFS, as always!


great video..the narration was very easy to understand and added a lot to the instruction. Thanks for the tip on eclipse tape, I used to use Masking Magic but can't find it anymore.


Great video... that tape is great - made it so nice and easy. Thank you for the tips and the video!

Diana Foster

beautiful butterflies.


Awesome, Deborah! I could see your fantastic how-to video, of course, I could hear your voice!!! :)
*I'll try to save this in my HD. Thanks a lot!


Nice video. In the photo it almost looked the the butterflies were cut out, but once I saw the video, I saw the magic

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