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April 5, 2009



Deborah I love your take on the "fair" sex. My spouse is exactly the same, drives me insane some days!!! So I know where you are coming from. Btw I just nominated you for that extact same award :-D. Hope you don't mind, but great minds think alike.....we wont continue the rest of that quote.

Andi Sexton (rrlscrapgal)

Oh, Spouses!!!!! Mine also can not pick up a phone..

Congrats on all things going wonderfully well!!!!!

donna mikasa

First of all, big hugs, fellow hosti, (and I do love that pledge!!) and yes, my hubby has phoneophobia, too!! Cannot even phone in his Rx to an automated service at the drug store!! I HAVE to do it, to keep him alive, so that he can go to work, so I can stay home and stamp.....So we're even!

Dawn T

I just about wet my pants laughing... guys are so funny about things at times... I must admit I always have to ring the repairman when something goes wrong or it never would be done.

Also thanks for your kind words... I see Paula and I are both keen followers of yours and yes you deserve an award as you are such a nice person


elana k

Sounds like you've been busy! But it is great to hear such good news.

Mine husband does exactly the same thing--why ARE men such phone-a-phobes??? :)

Kelly Booth

Lots of good things happening....Love your Humor Deborah....
My Hubby LOVES to talk on the phone??? Definitely not the norm.

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