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May 11, 2009


Anne Gaal

Hi, Deborah. What a lovely tribute. Thinking of you...

Dawn T

Deborah... Lovely tribute. You are right about the wonderful things some people do- quietly, without a want of recognistion and we don't find out about them until they pass away. Be greatful of having known such an amazing man. God bless. My prayers are with you and his family...


sweet memories of someone who was a positive influence in your life...thanks for sharing your heart!

Kelly Booth

Such a Wonderful tribute Deborah....Your in my thoughts and prayers....


Hi Deborah,
I feel for you, your family & for Norm's family. Just remember that he still lives on everytime you think of him & through the things that he has done. So even though he may not be here physically he is still here in spirit. Take care thinking of you big big hugs xoxoxo


Deborah! Thinking of you and saying a prayer. Lots of hugs!

Patty Y.

Deborah, what a lovely tribute to Norm. I can't help but picture him (though I don't know what he looks like), dancing in heaven with Jesus, and maybe still making the same kind of comments that would make you snicker. :) Even so, I know it doesn't erase the sorrow of his loss here on earth, experienced by those who loved him dearly. I'm glad to know that his wife, Jean, lives with a daughter already. I'll pray for them and for you. Big HUGS!


Beautiful tribute to a man who inspired you and challenged you! What a loving and compassionate spirit you have, Deborah. Love and hugs. Prayers, too.

Jenn Biederman

Hey Deborah. Such a great tribute to your friend & loved one...you are in my thoughts & prayers.

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