Okay, I looooove my Mac. My first computer was a Mac Performa, and I would never have purchased a PC if my law school had been set up to handle Apples (they got set up the year AFTER I graduated).
Macs kick PC butt from this way to Sunday because they are (1) super fast; (2) have a terrific immune system (as in virus-resistant); (3) have customer support that is UNEQUALED; (4) hold their value; (5) have a longer life span.
That Performa I mentioned above? We bought that in 1996 for $1,300, and it was destroyed when our basement was flooded in 2003. Also destroyed in that same flood was the Gateway I had purchased for law school in the fall of 1998 (at a cost of $2,100). The value of the Gateway was determined to be about $200. The value of the Mac?
Which doesn't really surprise me because, although that thing was tiny, it was powerful, and, right up to the day it died its watery death, it would start up in 30 seconds and run all day long with nary a glitch. (It never seemed to understand that it was ancient by computer standards - one people year being like 25 years for a computer.) By comparison, that wretched Gateway started complaining about its "internal miz'ries" before it was old enough to buy a beer.
So go with Apple the next time you need to buy a computer.
I'm on this Mac kick because of the demonstration video I shot on my camera (I have a 4.0 gig memory card that's good for about 60 minutes of filming).
Or had a 4.0 gig memory card, I should say.
I called technical support at Apple with a question about iMovie, and the technician had me do something with my memory card that inadvertently ended its career in the digital imaging industry. (Given its rather specialized skill set, I see no further employment opportunities on its horizon... except maybe as a guitar pick. But even that's doubtful in this economy.)
Now, lest you think that Apple employs bumbling idiots, this was the first time I ever encountered anything less than A+ service, and they made it right.
Boy, howdy, did they make it right.
Within 24 hours I received a 4.0 gig memory ScanDisk HC memory card AND a 4.0 gig Wi-Fi memory card. (So now I don't even have to plug my camera into the computer or remove the card to download my photos.)
You can bet your sweet bippy that Microsoft would never do something like that.
So, there you have it!
Hmmmm.... I wonder if I can trick them into making me destroy our television set...?
LOL!!! You are such a funny funny (in a very nice way) lady do ya know that ;D. Deborah, they should give you a new TV just for the wonderful endorsement you have given them.
Posted by: paula | September 22, 2009 at 06:58 AM