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September 16, 2009


cathy a

Great interview, such beautiful cards, I have spotted Marilyn's tallent over on the flickr site, so glad you have picked her to inverview so we could get to know more about her.

kathy racoosin

I have alwasy admired Marilyn's work and just loved seeing all her cards...the layering is perfection and color choices are perfection!!


Thanks for the great interview - and Deborah, I laughed a LOT at your crafty garage plan - GENIUS. (Will try it just as soon as I have a house with a garage) :)
So wonderful to learn more about Marilyn - she makes GORGEOUS cards.

Dawn T

Lovely interview Deborah and I agree - marilyn's work is just awesome. I have admired her work for a while now.

Virginia L.

What a TALENTED and witty/humorous artist, Marilyn! I love your work! Deborah, this interview is such a treat! Thank you!


I love Marilyn work.. she always mixed up everything into beautiful art work!! Thanks Deborah for this great interview, now i'm ready to start my daily work :)


I got a good giggle out of how to get your own space. Marilyn love your story about the cat (& your's too Deborah) :D Beautiful cards & a great interview.


Terrific interview. Love the answers. Still smiling.


Marilyn makes such beautiful cards. So glad you highlighted her work!

Kelly Booth

Wonderful interview Deborah...i always Love Marilyn's cards.....
Thanks for letting us know a little more about her.....

Judy Jung

I love Marilyn's work! And to think she does that all in spite of the cat!! And on a corner of the kitchen table!! Thank you both for a very bright spot in the day!!

donna mikasa

Such a great interview with an awesome cardmaker!! I've been a big fan of Marilyn for a long time, plus her love of BROWN makes me love her cards even more! And, she's such a classy lady! Thanks for an insightful interview....

Anne Gaal

Hi, Deborah! Hi, Marilyn! Great interview! I think Deborah's idea for taking over the garage is fabulous! I adore Marilyn's "so blessed so thankful" pumpkin card. She really made them shine! :-)

Marilyn Valadez

Thanks Deborah, you did a great job making me more interesting than I really am! You're a sweetheart for selecting me as your Wed. Wonder I appeciate this honor! Thanks for all the lovely comments ladies, they are all wonderful and so are all of you!
Hugs to all!

nancy de mond

Great interview Chere! Everyone should know about your fabulous art and sculpture work based on depictions of La Catrina. The wonderful dia de los Muertos and the Mexican people are a wonderful historical depiction behind her inspired works. Brandon Maldonado is a young artist that has inspired her skeleton images and colorful works. She takes his ideas and runs with them in her own direction. She also makes a mean box envelope. I have truly enjoyed our friendship Chere! NanD

Tomo H.

Another terrific interview! Loving Marilyn's style. I so love the gentle feel her works always has. I just knew where it came from while reading this interview.
Thanks so much, Deborah! Thank you so much, Marilyn! :)

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