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November 13, 2009



My Nomination is for JaneB74 for her inspirational Fimo Buttons.

She inspired me to have a go with some Cake Decorating Cutters.
I just don't know if I cooked them too long lol!


Thanks for hosting this! I was inspired by Kathy's split panel in her card with acetate. Besides which such an adorable glittery penguin!
I was also inspired by Nancy's cool colors in her card. Love the lime green, black, and white combo! She perfectly matched ribbon, colors, and design!
Last but not least Alice's card with the fronds extending the circle is so lovely and designed so beautifully.

Hannah Nicole F

I Nominated Paula as my first 8 )

Hannah Nicole F

....And Donna

Hannah Nicole F

.... And The Oz lol


disregard my first entry in Mr. Linky, I clicked before putting in the correct link...so sorry. Hopefully I'll be linking to lovely work by LIn, Jen and Suzanne, keep your fingers crossed.


Deborah, You are so generous!! I love this idea- sooo fun!

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