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February 2, 2010



Hi Deborah, I am glad that you enjoyed meeting Joy. I do feel for you about the class issue. Sounds like your "teacher" could do with some lessons on how to run a class ;). Good luck with the cards you are redoing & I can't wait to see what they look like. Take care xoxoxoxoxoxo

Anne Gaal

Hi, Deborah! I'm so glad that you and Joy got to meet in person! How fun! (Were any pictures taken?) I have been to some Archiver's classes before and they always seem to go too fast for me - when they run full length! I can't imagine a super-speeded up version! Ack! Enjoy your newly purchased goodies! :-)

Heather Maria

I've often wished we had an Archiver's here, but maybe now I don't! What should have been a brilliant experience sounds like a class from hell. At least there was an upside to it in that you got to meet Joy. I'd love to see your new cards when you get a chance to make them.

Nancy K

At least you met with Joy and a friendship has begun. As a teacher of stamping technique, I've taken special notice of your teacher's foibles and will endeavor to learn from her mistakes....this is one of those times when one can either be a good example or a dire warning, I will heed the warning. Enjoy the re-doing of your cards, I have no doubt you will improve upon the original!!

Deborah Nolan

Now Im worried yall think Im a whiner!  I wrote this post very tongue and cheek and Joy and I did a fair amount of giggling throughout - so never fear, it wasnt really the traumatic event Ive described.


LOL! Good story as always... I am glad you were able to spend some quality time with a fellow stamper!

Kathy S

OMG! This is too funny. This sounds like something that happened to me a few years back. Fortunately, the store that I was at made a few adjustments so those issues didn't happen again. Better luck next time?

Joy (dustypenny)

LOL, Deborah! Maybe I'll be back to say more later after I stop laughing!

Deborah Nolan

And there you have it! (See Joys response to our adventure.)

Susan McRae

This was so funny! You have such a great way with words Deborah! I could picture everything happening and was giggling away at my monitor! So sorry about the bad class but am so glad that you got to meet Joy!

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