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March 1, 2010


Heather Maria

Oh wow Deborah these are absolutely gorgeous - I had to look through them a second and third time!I need whatever Paula is on!! Thanks again Deborah for all the time and effort you put into this for us all. I'm off to sign up for the next one!

donna mikasa

I feel like I was color blind....I did go with the "Friendship" theme, just not the purple and green! Awesome gallery! Can't wait for this month's challenge....


HOLY MACKERAL!! Are these gorgeous or what? What beautiful creations, everyone! And, as always, Deborah, thanks so very much for coordinating all of this each month.


I'm impressed! All this talent gathered in here for your Card Chain! Wouhou! That's awesome! Ladies, you did a great job!

Deborah Nolan

Didnt I tell yall yall outdid yourselves?!  Really amazing stuff, folks!



Wow!! Inspiration overload...what gorgeous work. What a blessing to a part of this most talented and loving group!

Paula (pajalu)

Hi Deborah :D,

I'm so glad that your CCC is a great success as I enjoyed doing this month's challenge very much.........err maybe too much ;D. I got an email from Pia today asking me if she could use that set of cards at her booth at an event she is organising. So there is a ripple on effect from your challenges. Ok I'm off to see what else I can come up with for the new challenge xoxoxoxoxoxo

Deborah Nolan

Paula, when are you due?  I think youve entered that superwoman phase!


Dawn T

Wow - we are really a talent bunch of ladies... I am proud to have taken part in this... and March is even more people!!!!
Awesome cards everyone!!!! BIG THANK YOU Deborah for organising this.... I know what a dramatic month it was for you...and you still managed this!!!!

Deborah Nolan

Thank you, Dan - and everyone - for the nice comments. I enjoy doing the CCC, so Im glad yall enjoy it, too! Thank all of YOU for playing along with me!


Judy Jung

I am waaaaay behind on doing fun stuff!! Just spent the last fifteen minutes soaking up this beautiful display of cards!! They are absolutely awesome. I am humbled to be in such company!! Again, thanks, Deborah for this opportunity to send and receive cards to and from all over the world!! And, Paula, you must be feeling better!! Hugs to all of you, and thanks you!!

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