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March 24, 2010



Awesome interview with Julie...I am a big fan of her work! Thanks, Julie and Deborah!


Thanks for another amazing interview. I love Julie's clean, fresh style and I appreciate the chance to get to know this stamping phenom.

Tiffany E.

I absolutely adore Julie's work!! She has a great eye for color, layering, and she can make a card with the fewest elements and it still looks so elegant! Great interview!

cathy a

Beautifl love the simplicity and cleaness of the designs. Great interview Deborah!

Barb :)

Fun interview, Deborah! I love Julie's beautiful, simple style! (Her bows are so fantastic too!) Thanks for letting us peek into a bit of your life, Julie!! :)

Susan McRae

I really like Julie's simple designs and great use of colour!

Hannah Means

I just LOVE your blog! I have you on my favorite places but Wednesday is my favorite day to read you. I get such a kick at your questions and comments. You do pick terrific guests too! Thanks for being part of my daily blog read!

Deborah Nolan

Hannah, what a lovely thing to say! Im honored that you enjoy visiting! Thank you very much! And thank you, too, to all of you who compliment me on the Wednesday Wonder interviews. I tend to forget to thank all of you - how rude! - so let me take a moment to do so now.... THANK YOU, ladies!!!! :~D



Thanks for another amazing interview,Deborah!
I love Julie's style...she is Amazing!

Janet Ribet

What stunning cards - and I agree getting "simple" right needs special talent.
Thanks will be on the lookout for more of her work.


Oh, I'm glad I read this! How I missed reading the WW's... FAB interview (as always). Not only do you pick great people, but you have such a fun way of presenting them! And let me say, having been away from stamping in a long time, I was just WOW'd by so many of Julie's cards!

Btw, I completely concur on the Tonic Guillotine Trimmer!

donna mikasa

Love Julie's work, and I'm shocked that she isn't on a design team--yet! Great to get to know her better...another great WW!

Heather Maria

Deborah, another wonderful Wednesday Wonder (I'm a bit late catching up!). Great interview and loved seeing Julie's fantastic creations!

Anne Gaal

Hi, Deborah! Hi, Julie! Terrific interview. And such wonderful cards and eye-candy! I can see why you had such a hard time selecting card images, Deborah! So much to drool over! :-)


Deborah - another great interview with a creative genius. Just ADORE Julie's style. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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