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April 16, 2010



Oh, these are looking fun! I am beginning to keep this in mind each month, and am doing better keeping a list of my favorites. Thanks, Deborah! This is my favorite time of year, too, but just because of the season, as my DH deals with that nasty tax stuff :)

Hannah Nicole F

to darn cute Deborah! thanks again for the chance.

Hannah Nicole F

Hi again Deborah.
my first nomination is wrong sorry, I didn't read correctly and nominated from today. I hate to have it deleted because it's truly inspiring but it's the wrong date 8~(

Dawn T

What a great treat Deborah. How hard though to chose only three.... there is so much inspiration out there!!!!
Glad you're got your taxes sorted.... even though I work for the NZ Inland Revenue - this July 7 will be the first time I have to file a return... suddenly earning interest on some investments!!!


LOVE this feature on your great blog! Thanks for hosting this fun way to celebrate eachother's creativity!


Thanks for hosting this Deborah! I enjoy seeing what people choose and I like to surf the pool and re-look at everything. There is so much goodness to look at!

Barb :)

I love this feature, Deborah! Thanks for doing it again! Glad you have time to breathe now! :)

Anne B.

This is so fun Deborah!!


I love this...it gives me a chance to really look at the offerings in the HA Flickr pool and on the inter-web...holey cow I realize I'm such a hack ;)
btw- I paid more in taxes this year with both hubs and I under-employed than in the past...how does that work?!
blessings to you,

Janet Ribet

I love seeing what other people choose! And going back to see the amazing creations from the HA flickr group.
And that's a tempting prize you've put together!


My first time with this... I think I did it right? What a fun thing to do, thanks for hosting! I actually was going to nominate your bird/cage "accident" card (love it!), but then realized that you probably don't plan to give yourself one of the prizes. heh. ;) But know that you inspire!

Norma J

Sorry Deb, but you are an inspiration to me, so I had to list you :)

Lee Anne

Oh, this was fun! Thank you!

Deborah Nolan

Dawn, Im so impressed that youve got investments!... I have a jar of change squirreled away in my underwear drawer.


Deborah Nolan

I don know about you, but I have to pay self-employment tax, and that is just KILLING me! I owed TWICE the amount of the SET than I did on just the regular tax!



"a lot of people will fuss and cuss and stomp their feet ... but they did that when slavery was abolished" - thanks for the laugh! So true, but absolutely hilarious when you put it that way. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful sense of humor!

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