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October 6, 2010


Alice W.

hee.. Gigi is so cute. bet she is going to as smart and funny as you are when she grow up! =)


HA! She's going on 20 already! Give her a hug from me, she's inherited her Mama's sense of humor!

Barb :)

Love these little peeks into your life, Deborah! Made me giggle for sure! Wonderful photos!


What is she like! I love the fact that you share these little snap shots of her wit! Jo x

Sarah M

Big smiles here. :)


She's a cutie!! Adorable pictures!

Dawn T

Don't kids say the darn-est things..... and I bet she was giggling as well.....

Anette H

OMG, what a cutie she is! And hmmmm... wonder where that sense of humor is coming from????

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