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December 15, 2010


Susan Butler

Wow Deborah! What a crazy time you have had, and the weather is awful too.
I just thoroughly enjoyed reading your post, I was laughing, (was it meant to be funny?) Ha.
Thank you for explaining Black Friday, I did wonder when all the blogs went crazy about it.
I guessed it was an American thing.
Well have you caught your breath yet, hope so Christmas is just about upon us, and you need to enjoy the time, as it does not come around often.
Things will settle down.


you have me hooked...can't wait to hear the rest of the story. by the way, i also boycott black Friday in particular and all Christmas shopping in general....we celebrate without all the hoopla.
bless you!

Linda C. Baker

Loved your story! I avoid the black friday shopping craziness also. Take care!

Dawn T

can't wait to hear more Deborah. I was wondering how you survived as we hadn't hear from you for awhile. Hopefully a more peaceful Christmas????

Dwita Siregar

Wondering where you've been, Deborah.. Want to hear more..
By the way, did I miss the December CCC?

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