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February 25, 2011



How I've missed having the time to play along with the CCC! Glad to be back, Jo x


Yahoo! It's been a while for me, but I'm IN this time around! Thanks for doing this, Deborah...hope you continue to feel better each day!


Welcome back, Judy and Jo! You've been missed!!!

Hannah Nicole F

Ive said it and I'll say it again, I Love signing up for CCC, hope you are doing better. I know its a good sign when I see you posting on flickr. 8~)


Last month was my first month to participate - what fun it was! Thanks, Deborah, for organizing this. So glad you are feeling better.

Daria Z.

I'm loving those bright colors, Deborah. Glad you're feeling better.

Barb :)

Looking forward to another one, Deborah, and so glad you're feeling better! :)

Janet Ribet

This one's going to be fun . . . I like the April Fool's and Act Happy theme's!

Wendy ten Hove

What a lovely idea!!! Saw this link with Joy and I think it's such a wonderful idea, so I'd love to join! Love especially the idea that it's worldwide, so amazing to see a card in your mailbox that someone made for you from the other side of the world! Looking forward to making, sending and receiving!
Hugs, Wendy


Hi there

I just added my details to this month's challenge... do you email me the details for the recipient?? sorry... very new to this ... my first CCC


I think I must be daft or something... I can't seem to see your email address... can you help please...this is my first time signing up...

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