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February 16, 2012



Deborah, what a beautiful & wonderful story. It's good to be reminded that what we see as flaws, may not be. Or as the pot discovered cause something beautiful to happen. Thanks for the reminder xoxoxo

Sarah M

Deborah, There you go making me cry. ;) I have been struggling lately with my flaws and imperfections... With not being all that I *should* be & this is the third post in less than 24 hrs that has spoken to me. The old woman represents God and I need to remember that He knows what He's doing and made me with my strengths and weaknesses for a reason. Thank you so much for sharing this.

janet aka swanlady21

Love this story . . . from another cracked pot!


Wonderful story, Deborah....thanks so much for sharing it with us! Hugs to a fellow crackpot!


Wonderful story, Deborah, and a lesson to each of us to not only look for the good in all people, but find a positive way to use our own "flaws," Thanks for sharing! :)


I needed this story today, Deborah! Thank you. Love the neew blog look. Hugs, Judy

Dawn T

Yes Deborah, I've read this too... but it is nice to read again. It is inspiring.


such wisdom...i'll forgive the crackpot comment!

Cindy C.

It's first time I read this story and it's wonderful! Thanks for posting it.

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