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October 28, 2012


Donna Cole

Does this work for clear stamps? Or just rubber stamps? Love the idea of making my own, so wanted to be sure it works for all stamps. Thanks

Deborah Nolan

Yes, ma'am - works great!

Nancy Ramminger

I had one that called for Dawn dish soap 1 teaspoon works great.


Great cleaner, I cannot find the baby wipe clam shell cases, what do you think would substitute for them? Thankyou

Joanne Hinsperger-Scott

LOL. You must live in the US. I recently purchased a gallon of distilled water and I think we paid $3.99 or $4.99 Canadian plus environmental deposit fees for the plastic jug it came in. Thanks so much for posting your recipe. I have been looking for a few years for a stamp cleaning recipe.

Deborah Nolan

Debbie (If you're still out there), I do apologize for not seeing and responding to this sooner. Some other options for holding the paint trimmer thingie are ziplock baggies, Rubbermade containers, and the containers that food comes in (like reclosable deli meats, etc.).

Deborah Kapchinske

This makes a great cleaner...I'm getting ready to make my second bottle. Thanks for this economic jewel!!

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