Oh. My. WORD.
I have discovered a site, thanks to my lovely friend and cardmaker extraordinaire, Nancy Krueger, that will be the joy of a lot of people if they don't already know about it yet.
If you don't own any photo editing software, or if you own some and it makes you pull out your hair... MAN, do you need to know about PicMonkey!
PicMonkey is an online photo editing site that is easy and free. (And when I say easy, I mean as easy as that girl whose number was always on the bathroom wall in high school.)
You can join up as a member, but you don't have to. Of course, you can buy a subscription to get access to more tricks and options, but most people who just want to do some basic editing (like resizing a photo to a specific pixel width, for example), will find everything they need without having to spend a brass farthing.
One thing that might throw someone is their clever allusion to James Bond actors in the Save feature, where the aptly named buttons reflect the quality and size of your saved photo:
SEAN: Gorgeous, but large file size
PIERCE: Great quality, good file size
ROGER: Not great quality, tiny file size
I couldn't agree more.
I took a few screen shots to give y'all an idea of how wonderful this site is.
Here's my uploaded photo (click on OPEN - above left of photo), and you see your computer screen window all ready to let you search your computer for the photo you want.
As you can see, my photo is a little dark (taken after sunset).
Here's what my photo looked like after I gave it a basic edit that took, like, a whole minute:
See the little icons on the left of the menu options? When you click on one, it gives you a whole new set of options. I labeled them for you below:
And here are a very few examples of what you can do:
If you look at the icons on the left above, I've switched to the Effects menu. You can darken (or lighten) your edges and also pick your color, intensity, and size! I chose pink to go with the flower.
How about an old-fashioned Matthew Brady look?
The little orange crown in the menu above means that this particular feature is available to subscribers only, but it's great that you can see what it does on your own picture - helps you decide if you want to take it to another level.
Here we have a cool B&W twist: you can select inside (or outside) the circle (which you size) to have the picture show color and B&W.
Infra-Red - zowie!
And here's a photo that I did all sorts of things to after the basic edit - including using the texture feature so it looks like it's printed on canvas.
You have an unlimited number of features at PicMonkey that are all free and easy to use. When you're done, you can save it, download it, Tweet or FB it, Pin it, and email it straight from PicMonkey.
Now hoe cool is that?
I hope you give PicMonkey a try!
Thanks for stopping and have a blessed day!
Thanks for the heads up - will give it a go.
Posted by: janet aka swanlady21 | January 10, 2013 at 03:34 PM
I can't wait to try it out! I use Picassa, but there are things it doesn't do that PicMonkey does! woohoo!
Posted by: Marcy Kaminski | January 10, 2013 at 03:57 PM
I have needed a new photo editing software ever since we got a new computer a couple of years ago. This looks great and just what I need. Thanks!
Posted by: Linda C Baker | January 10, 2013 at 08:00 PM
Thanks for a great review. I'll give it a try.
Posted by: Ruby C | January 15, 2013 at 10:20 AM