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June 30, 2013



Hi Debora,
Thank you for hosting this CCC! I love sending cards to others, and so happy to receive from them, too! Really enjoying everyone's creation!

(P.S. I tried to link up, hopefully it worked)

Greta H

LOVE the sketch & will see if I can get something done as this exchange is one of my favorite reasons to create a card! I must be dense--can't see what the something new is.

Lisa (ThePurplePlace)

I am also excited to join again, and hope my link is showing correctly too. For some reason, even though I typed "Lisa from Massachusetts", on my end of things it's now showing under my image? But, that's ME and I do want to play and have already started my card!

Thanks again Deb for ALL the time and effort you put into this swap every month!!

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