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February 1, 2014


Kim Hall

Wow So many talented ladies, all your cards are simply gorgeous! Thanks so much Deborah for all your hard work, it is always so much fun joining in these challenges.


Wow lots of gorgeous work here ladies. Loved being part of this. Thanks again Deborah.


This is a super talented group of ladies and some star quality cards that were sent. Thanks, Deborah, and I am looking forward to the next CCC.


Thank you so much Deborah for sharing this and all the work that goes into preparing it all! Have a lovely Sunday! Blessings


Thank you for starting the CCC up again. I have Joy's card up on a shelf right by my monitor. Always glancing at it - so elegant and cheery.


Some very beautiful and creative cards.
Betty K.


I am so pleased that people are having a good time! (I am having a blast!!!) Thank you, everyone, for playing along and for all the nice comments!!!

(And, Arlene, I looooove that Joy's card is right there nearby - THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT!!!

judy jung

Love makes the world go 'round! And I like it that 29 people gave it a few spins last month!!

Linda W. in MN

What fabulous cards, everyone! What a great way to get the CCC rolling again - thanks for starting it back up, Deborah!!

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