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September 21, 2014



This will be my first time joining in and I can't wait! Already working on my card using the colors and the sketch. Thanks for the inspiration and chance to swap cards!


Welcome, Karen! We're thrilled to have you join us!


Hi Karen, nice to have you in the chain. CCC is such fun. You are going to have a blast. Hugz

Becca Cruger

Hi Karen! Welcome to the CCC. As a fellow newcomer, I can tell you that the crafters here are AWESOME and so encouraging!


OK Can't figure out how to add my link?? It's been too long but I'm ready to sign up!!! :)

Lisa (ThePurplePlace)

Hi Deb,
I am now happily back from San Diego --- What a wonderful trip! I'm especially excited that I am back in time to take part in the next Card Exchange and LOVE them!!


Kelly! I'm so glad to see you here!!! And Lisa's back - yaaaaay! WE have newbie Karen and Some of our usual suspects, it looks like!

I'm so excited!

Nancy Ward

I am excited too! My first time to play along! YEAH!

Dotty Jo

Here I am - hello everyone! Great sketch and sumptuous colours, Jo x


Welcome to the party, Nancy! And now that Jo's here, it's sure to get lively!

Helen Gullett

Oh I missed the September... Can't wait to play with you all this month :)

Kelly Latevola

Oh my it's been so long since I've played along! I can't wait to play along again :)


Welcome back, Kelly! And Helen, too - we missed you last month!


Yeah, I'm in. Happy dancing. This is such fun. Looks like a busy month Deborah. Nice to see new faces and the regulars. You gonna be up past midnight writing this reveal post. HUGZ, that's a special big one for you all.


Yay, Gail is here! You know, Gail, we used to have 50 per month before I moved this over to LilyPad Cards. So we're in the re-build stage, I guess. It's very good to see so many people participating!

Greta H

Wow--how great to have so many people join in this month!


I know! Isn't it awesome?! I'm SOOOOO excited!

Laura Norris

Okay - I'm a newbie to the CCC and I signed up!!! It looks like fun, I'm excited to send and get a card. Thanks Deborah!


Hi, Laura, welcome to the show!


Giving this a try after lurking for several months! I love the challenge options!


Ooh, the lurkers are coming out. Bwahahahahahaha. Welcome Shartl and Laura.


I have my card ready to mail as soon as I get the address. I also emailed a photo of my card to you Deborah and hope it's okay. Thanks so much


Welcome, Shannon!

I agree with Gail (aka: iownabunny) - it's always good to see the lurkers take the plunge!!!

I'm pleased people are happy with the design options - I do my best to offer a variety of choices so each of you will, I hope, find something that whets her appetite.

For the newbies in the crowd, once the sign-up has closed, I'll send an email to everyone with the proper contact info in it. I actually already sent one email out last week for the folks who are sending to a foreign country (since it takes so long for things to arrive). I'll see about sending another one out, though.

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