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December 8, 2014


Becca Cruger

Hey Deborah - Will the deadline to mail still be on the 15th with the new posting schedule?


THAT is an excellent question, Becca! The idea here is that the sign up will be open for approx a month and will close on the 6th of each month. This way, I can get the addresses out to everyone so the folks who are mailing their cards out of country will have three weeks for their cards to arrive.

So if you are mailing to someone in your own state or country, you could probably wait until the 15th, but if you're mailing from the USA to Europe, you could have your card made and ready to drop in the mail the minute you got the recipient's address on the 7th of the month.

Whaddaya say? Think it will work?


That should give everyone lots of time. It will all depend on those pesky pigeons. Some of them seem to have a problem with their GPS! Hugz


Ooh look, I'm off to Finland. That's just next door. What fun. Have a lovely Christmas everyone. Hope you are all ready for the big day. I'm not and I have given up worrying about it. There's always next year ROFL. I'm sure it will all be all right on the night. Hugz

Mynn xx

Deborah, I just now signed up because the linky was still open--am I too late, or is this ok?! The post says it was supposed to end earlier... Mynn xx


You're in great shape, Mynn!


Happy New Year everyone. Hugz


Hmmmm, green and purple Valentines. Sounds like Halloween love to me. Might have to give that a go just for the fun of it. Hugz


Hi Deborah!
Just wanting to clarify what the mailing date and date to email our card photo to you is? Thanks!


Hey Deborah, just wanting to ask when we will get the addresses. I'm so excited. :-)

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