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December 1, 2014


Heather Doran

Deborah, loved seeing the November CCC cards that went whizzing around the world! Thanks for organising all the fun:)

Nicole Parmentier

Helen congratulations. Love all the cards that went around the globe. Thank you Deborah for hosting the fun!

Nancy Ward

Beautiful cards this month! Thanks for posting the schedule for 2015, somehow I missed the November challenge!

Helen Gullett

YAY! Thank you so much, Deborah! I will send you email :)
And this cards reveal is amazing! All are gorgeous!

Dotty Jo

Thanks for another fun CCC, Deborah! Jo x


Fabulous cards everyone. So proud to be part of this wonderful exchange. Thanks Deborah for all your hard work. Have a great Christmas everyone. Looking forward to sending and receiving more amazing snail mail in 2015! Hugz

Dawn T

Gorgeous cards from everyone. I got so caught up with things I forgot to sign up... missed my card this month!!!!!! I'll be signing up for next months for sure.

Lisa (ThePurplePlace)

Sorry I'm late to the party -- I am however, happy to be here today and LOVE seeing all the wonderful cards that were sent for November! Great Job everyone!

Congratulation to Helen on being this month's winner! Woohoo!

Looking forward to having fun with the new changes for 2015 -- Great idea and thanks Debbie once again for ALL your time and hard work!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you ALL!!

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