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February 8, 2015



ROFL. Glad you got the bugs licked. Hugz

Janet Swanlady21

It's amazing what sinusitis can do to you ... my daughter woke up with swollen eyes - and it was sinusitis!
You got to boost that immunity! Get some echinacea.
Here's wishing you a healthy, germ-free rest of 2015.

Mynn xx

I'm so sorry, Deborah! I hope you get well SOON! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

Judy Jung

I agree ... you have done your bit!! Hopefully it's all behind you. However, you do come across hundreds of young people every day .. you may not be able to hold off the thundering herds of germs!! Hugs.

Monica Maier

LOL! I don't blame you (and agree with you service announcement) Glad you are feeling better!

Lizzy Hill

Cackling all the way from OZ. Well, at least you didn't let them there bugs grab your sense of humour and run off with it!!! CROSSING all digital body parts that this is DEFFO the end of any bugvirusgerminvader. You SOOO have 'done your bit' for their community!!!

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