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May 16, 2015


judy jung

Love the color choices, Deborah! Great card!


Cute card. Regarding the CCC logo, I assume you mean 1st June LOL. Wot, no elephants? Hugz.


Gail, I'm glad you said something! I made the first graphic and saved it only to see that I had forgotten to change the months (argh)! So then I had to do it ALL OVER AGAIN from scratch. By the time I finished that, I was literally falling asleep over my laptop. And, of course, I ended up uploading my first attempt instead of my second. What a maroon!

As to elephants, I believe that a close inspection of the third "C" will reveal the head of an elephant - the majority of his face is missing as a result of the "C" insisting on having an opening in its center. (hee-hee!)


Thanks, Judy!

Lizzy Hill

I never notice that sort of stuff! But I do love your card & the idea of those country tags go soooo nicely with the sentiment which I think is brilliant!!!


Thanks, Lizzy!

Dotty Jo

What a witty card! Jo x


😆 Hugz

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