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June 3, 2015


judy jung

You are an amazing artist!

Monica Maier

I have those pencils yet my coloring doesn't seem to come out as nice as yours! ;-) Great colored images.

Janet Swanlady21

Love your colouring.

Dotty Jo

Lovely colouring! I've also coloured Audrey... But I've gone with black and turquoise instead! Jo x


Thank you all SO MUCH! I hope y'all will go over to Kathy's blog and play along this month. She's got some great tips and tricks to share!


OMG I love hula chick. I was trying to do this, colour something every day. Bombed already!! Life is just too hectic right now. Hoping to get a little crafty time this weekend. Everything crosssed. Did I mention I love hula chick. Hugz


LOL - Hula Chick IS pretty funny! It's okay if you don't color something every day, G. I haven't colored anything yet today.

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