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July 3, 2015


Lizzy Hill

WONDERFUL news.....I hope that he will continue to improve & overcome any hiccups that come by his way....lovely photos.....NICE to have such a fabulous outcome....thanks for sharing!!!

Vickie Yeakley

Oh my goodness, I didn't know this was the reason Sabrina's daughter had been in and out of hospital. Definitely will keep her family in my thoughts and prayers. Baby Wyatt is an adorable blessing. Hugs

Monica Maier

What joy he is! Congrats to the whole family. I will keep them in thoughts and prayers!


Congrats, hugz and best wishes.

Greta H

Darling kiddos & praying Wyatt does well!

Loly Borda

Such a cutie! Congrats to Desiree and the whole family! I'll keep them in my prayers.

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