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July 8, 2015


judy Jung

When we first "met"' about 6 years ago, you were purging! It never ends. What do you do with the excess? I am drowning in "stuff".


LOL, Judy! Yes, I was attempting to purge AND not buy anything for at least a few months but nobody would join me, and I had no willpower on my own. So THAT idea went out the door.

I'm getting ready to take some of the excess to a LSS about 45 minutes away. There is an annual summer yard sale where we can sell our purged items. The owner gets 20% of the take and the rest we get in store credit. As a seller, I also get to come two hours early and shop before it's open to the public at large.

(And before anybody cracks wise about there being an ugly little cycle here, I want the record to show that I'm planning on using my credit on things that are necessary but boring - like adhesives.)

Ok, maybe I'll get a little something else....

Geez, this is like offering the Cookie Monster only one cookie, isn't it? And we all know what happened to HIM....

Now if you aren't lucky enough to have a community craft sale happening near you, you can (1) organize one yourself; (2) donate items to hospitals, senior centers, schools, churches, or the Goodwill; (3)have giveaways on your blog; or (4) send me everything so I can have giveaways on MY blog (LOL!); or (5) hold onto it and participate in the online yard sale/swap I'm planning on hosting.

Are any of those options attractive to anyone?

Paula B

When do you think you'll hold your online yard sale? I might be interested in doing that (or getting my DDIL to do it for me!)... We used to have a LSS that had a sale sort of like the one you described, but sadly they are no longer there. Loved being able to turn some of the old/unused stuff into new stuff, LOL!


Thanks, Deborah, for the prompt response.It is interesting to compare my most used tools with yours.


Paula, I'm not sure - was going to take some temperatures around here to see what everyone thought.

So what are y'all's thought?

Brenda, what tools did you have? I added two I'd forgotten.

Lisa (ThePurplePlace)

Fantastic Post Deb....LOVE it and agree with your ideas! :)

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