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September 22, 2015


judy Jung

Congratulations, Deborah, on five years of sharing your Memory Box work with all of us. I am happy your family is on a more regular schedule. Sounds like everyone made some tough choices. Big hugs, Judy

Lizzy Hill

FIVE YEARS?? That is huge.....it will be a BIG miss bit in your life for a while, but of course, family and family unity comes first!!! Enjoy the free-ing up of time this gives you....I'm glad the CCC didn't get the chop!!!


wow - i can remember when you joined the MB team and how excited you were to be asked - time flies when you're having fun!!

Sherry Hester

You know I'm sad to see you leave the MB team. I wish you well in the new chapter! Thanks so much for the shout out, and you know I'll be following your blog!

Greta H

5 years--wow! I know they're going to miss you, but I admire you & your family's decision to each give up what is needed so you can reconnect. I know it won't be that much longer you'll have Gigi there as kids grow up so fast. Wishing you peace & joy, Deborah!


Thank you, everyone, for all the support!


Congrats for this 5 years ! The some time for you and your family now :-)

Pam Sparks

You will be greatly missed Deborah! You have been a creative and fabulous designer for mb!!! So exciting to read of all the family changes for you though! YAY! and happy adjusting to you all! I wanted to go through your posts and pick out my faves but alas...time marches on and I haven't gotten it done! Your cards always bring a smile and a big I love what she comes up with!!! Take care and I'll be watching! XO


OMG, I am horrified!! I read Lizzy's comment, and although I am sure memory box will miss you how could anyone think about killing CCC!! OK, I realise it's probably a time consuming thing so I too bow down and worship that CCC lives. I am also humbled cos one of your favourite cards look strangely familiar... Oh yes, it's hanging by my desk and the note you wrote on a piece of paper so I could reuse the card has been glued in. That puppy is mine!! I can see why it's a favourite. I hope your sacrifices help with the new schedule. Hugz

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