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October 8, 2015



Woo hoo, I'm in! Off to Ireland. What fun. My cards get to go to places I've never been. Nice to see new faces and new places. Hugz

Lisa Haines

Sadly, I have too much going on right now and with two trips coming up, I have to skip this month! Bummer!!

I will be back for the next one and hope you ALL have a lot of FUN!


Chris Boldovici

I do not see a way to contact my friend as there is no way to email her from Her blog. So I need Vickie Y from Indiana, I need her mailing address. Can Deb or Vickie please help me out....????


Hi Chris. If you go into the spreadsheet you can get the information you need. Hugz

Lisa Haines

As it turns out, I am catching up on LIFE again, so NOW I can play in November, after all!

YIPPEE! Signed up today!!

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