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July 1, 2016


Lucille K

Such beautiful and fun cards for the June CCC. Thanks again Deborah and Gail for doing the CCC's every month :)


Lovely cards from everyone! It is not very important but it seems to me that the deeds that are cited here are not the same as in the original sign up post. And so any of the cards looks as any of the criteria. I wonder whether you could use those for another sign up, many interesting possibilities offered in that list...


Thanks, Judy!

Agata, Thanks for pointing this out - I've corrected my errors!

I made so many mistakes with the June reveal! I was literally dozing off and waking up and dozing off as I was building the post and even put one person's card in twice instead and totally missed uploading another person's card. (Gail caught that error rather quickly, thank goodness - lol!) Then I scheduled it to post at 9 PM instead of 9 AM. Just a right mess from start to finish!

I thought I was copying the sign-up post's info to paste into the reveal post, but I grabbed the wrong sign-up. If you want to use any of those choices in the future, you can. (They were from the April 2015 CCC: http://dominodebi.typepad.com/sos/2015/03/april-15-card-chain-challenge-sign-up.html.)

Lisa Haines

Wonderful cards!! Great job everyone!!


AAAAAAND I just spotted more errors in this post - namely the link to the July sign-up (sends you to April) - and which is also erroneously labeled as the August sign-up AND which is then followed by the September info - when it should be August.

I have fixed all of the errors.

I think.

My apologies, everyone!

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