I have sheep for brains.
And like the immortal Bo-Peep, I've lost my sheep and don't know where to find them.
I've been known to have scatter-brained moments (like the time I put the deli wrapper into my backpack and threw my sandwich into the trash - man, was I an unhappy camper when it came time for lunch). But last week I think I logged a personal best and broke the record for the greatest number of mental lapses in a seven-day period.
Exhibit A: the revelation of top-secret stamps before their scheduled release date.
If you recall, I was a Guest Designer at The Craft's Meow last week and contributed to their first birthday festivities - which included daily posts using stamps from the Spring Release... which wasn't scheduled to be revealed to the general public until the end of the week. Guess who unthinkingly posted a picture of the set she was using on Monday? (Actually, I did it for each of my daily posts - all had been drafted and scheduled in advance - but, luckily, Julie discovered my lunacy before I let the craft out of the bag and I was able to remove the images.)
Exhibit B: the pizza on Friday night.
Although I've not made a pizza in twenty+ years, I do have some understanding of gravity as applied to cooking. For instance, I know that if one is building on a flexible foundation, weighty ingredients will slide right off onto one's favorite white shirt unless one has provided an appropriate binder. I know that cheese is an exceptional binder - as long as you lay it on before and not after the mushrooms, black olives and pepperoni. When added before the mushrooms, black olives and pepperoni, one has a powerful glue anchoring said ingredients to their foundation (thereby protecting one's favorite white shirt). When added after the mushrooms, black olives and pepperoni, one has a powerful glue bonding said ingredients to one another, forming a highly transient mass (thereby dooming one's favorite shirt to the rag bag).
And yet I proceeded to put the cheese on last.
Exhibit C: I can't remember.
Seriously, I know I had a really dumb moment last week, (before the pizza, after the premature publication). I remember Spouse rolling his eyes when I did it. But now I can't even remember what it was.
In my defense, he can't either! (But I suspect this is because the poor man has suffered one-too-many "eye-rolling" incidents and simply can't keep track of them any longer. Or perhaps he's in denial - I know I am.)
Exhibit D: My posts on Friday for Lily Pad and here.
I do many things for Lily Pad Cards, and two of my duties involve the scheduling of events and the writing of posts. The last Friday of every month is the technique/product challenge sponsored by Simon Says Stamp - this has been going on for the better part of a year now. This month was no different except that instead of only having four Fridays, it has five. To me, this was a gleeful event - as good as getting an extra paycheck - because it meant that I had more time to make my card (if needed).
I tend to draft the challenge posts in two sittings: one to provide all the information, upload the cards and sponsor info, etc, because that takes awhile. Then I come back and do the easy part: adding in the InLinkz linking tool and the InLinkz Manager for the products we used in our cards.
I rarely have my challenge posts written a whole week in advance of their scheduled publication, and I was feeling mighty smug last Thursday when I finished Part 1 of this month's technique/challenge post and smartly calendared Part 2 for this coming Wednesday. My feelings of self-satisfaction grew even as I scheduled the date for the post to go live: March 23.
Heck, I was feeling so dang proud of myself for being a whole week ahead of schedule, I wrote my post here and scheduled it to go live on March 23rd, too.
And all of this done on the heels of taking part in a five-day promo for The Craft's Meow! I'm telling you, I was smirking I was so pleased with myself - just call me Super Stamper!!!
(I mean, my poo didn't need any perfume, if you get my drift.)
Now, just in case you haven't had your coffee yet, let me draw your attention to the dates. Last Thursday (my date of self-celebration) was March 22nd. I was supposed to complete the challenge post on Wednesday, March 28th, and the thing was supposed to go live on Friday, March 30th.
So why I selected Friday, March 23rd, as the appropriate publication date defies all logic. And I didn't commit this error on one blog but on TWO.
I'm not supposed to go near the Internet on the weekends, (Family Time and all that) so I didn't learn the error of my ways until this morning. I've also learned that I gave our Dream Team a collective heart attack because they're supposed to make coordinating posts at their personal blogs on challenge days (which is kind of hard to do when Writer Woman goes rogue with the calendar.) And, of course, the people who made cards over the weekend were bereft to find there was no place to sign up (because it isn't Wednesday yet, so I hadn't gotten around to adding that bit yet). And poor Vicky's card wasn't even published (she usually will add it herself - not an option when your partner jumps the gun, though.)
My apologies to everyone - please take pity on a once-great mind that's fallen low. (Okay, the "once-great" part is an obvious exaggeration, but I had something up there at one point, and it's traditional to speak well of the deceased.)
Now, I don't know how Bo-Peep lost her sheep, but I suspect mine have scattered to the winds as a result of acute sleep-deprivation. I've been suffering from insomnia for a few months now - and please don't tell me to count sheep because I think we've already established that mine are clearly AWOL....