I was going to post this later in the week because I already have posts for today and tomorrow, but I can't wait. This discovery can't wait!
I'm starting a new category here: Blog Treasures.
I'm starting it because I love how you see a link that will show you how to make something, and then you go there and you get the info, but then there's something else cool on that site, so you look at it, and then there's another link to yet another person's blog, so you check that out, and then THAT person's got a link to something else really cool, and before you know it, you're ten sites removed from where you started.
(Faulkner would be so proud of that run-on sentence. Oh, merciful heavens - can you just imagine what his blog would have been like? I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.)
Actually, given the "related" nature of these links, maybe I should call this category Kevin Blog Bacon or X Degrees of Separation.
I like Kevin Blog Bacon best, so Kevin Blog Bacon it is!
And now that I've got all that 'splainin' stuff out of the way, let me share the blog that got my attention! (Although there were many blogs, I'm saving some for later posts.)
Oh. My. Word.
Do NOT go here without a beverage, a snack, and many hours at your disposal. (And make sure you go to the bathroom first!)
The site is for the creative, the curious, those who would be inspired, those who appreciate beauty in the unexpected, those who need a good visual fix.... And if the content doesn't rock your world, the links will send you into orbit! There are links and links and links - ALL to sites that are each tastier than the last.
They have a quarterly magazine that is a little pricey at $20/pop. I don't even care. It's Mac & Cheese for me for the next month. Whatever it takes. I. Don't. Care. I've subscribed and can't wait until the first one shows up. (This is the magazine that some other magazines wish they could be, if you get my drift.)
For your sake, I really, really hope you didn't just read this post at the end of your lunch hour....
It's that good.